Artistic ambition, hierarchy within matriarchy, heightened psychosis and hormonal pushback act as a sort of microfibre in a dramedy about the individual being a product...
Madeline's Madeline is the reason why I love the programming for the Sundance's NEXT section. Madeline's Madeline is the reason why I love micro-indie....
Equal measures irritably supercilious and demonically brilliant, our introduction to this filmmaker came via his co-writing gig: 2004's I Heart Huckabees. Fast forward a decade...
Dem Bones: Swanberg’s Mellow Examination of Married Life
A married couple’s weekend apart turns into the sort of mildly enterprising exploration of what happens when...
Last year's slate of seventeen Narrative Premieres (excluding secret screenings of Boyhood and Nymphomaniac: Vol. I) refreshingly included works from first time filmmakers. I...
We usually expect the unexpected, but in this case, the Unexpected would totally be unexpected. With two previous features under her belt, Kris Swanberg...
After receiving a sturdy critical response at it's world premiere at the '13 edition of the Toronto Int. Film Festival, followed by an unceremonious...
Lady Liars and Psycho-sexual Thrills; Zach Parker's Proxy is a Rocky Ride
Countless blockbusters have used and abused the idea of doppelgängers and surrogates, but...
Pinch-hitting: Parker’s Latest as Surprising As it is Unwieldy
With a series of continuously improving indie horror thrillers under his belt, filmmaker Zack Parker launches...
While Baumbach and Payne got conformable shooting in B&W (see Frances Ha, Nebraska), Joe Swanberg convinced swag-collecting thesps Anna Kendrick to reteam with him...
Counting Sheep: Wingard Offers a Fun if Altogether Trivial Entry in Home Invasion Horror
Up and coming horror filmmaker Adam Wingard’s latest, You’re Next, is...
Friendly Persuasion: Swanberg Hones His Craft
One of the most notable members of the Mumblecore crew, the often factious Joe Swanberg, at long last seems...
Supersize Me: Swanberg Remains Intimate Despite Bigger Budget
Harkening back to the studio system of the 1930s and 40s, the prolific writer/director Joe Swanberg has...
Drinking Buddies
Director/Writer: Joe Swanberg
Producer(s): Swanberg, Burn Later Productions’ Paul Bernon and Sam Slater, Andrea Roa (Sunlight Jr.) and Alicia Van Couvering (Nobody Walks)
U.S. Distributor:...