Heaven’s Grate: Keshales Settles for Watered Down Tropes in English Debut
Nearly a decade ago, directors Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado promised to usher in...
L.A. Controversial: Furman Revisits the Wallace Murder in Mediocre Adaptation
Whatever the likely combination of reasons for the three-year delay in its US theatrical release,...
Steeple People: Teems Gets Spiritual in Rough-hewn Sophomore Film
It’s been over a decade since director Scott Teems delivered his warmly received debut, That Evening...
Described as shades of Steinbeck and Faulkner, That Evening Sun helmer Scott Teems will see Michael Shannon and Shea Whigham reteam on his sophomore...
To the Stars
Moving from the lopapeysa fitted, John Cassavetes Award winning Land Ho! to an Oklahoma Land Rush, Martha Stephens (profiled in our Sundance...
Martha Stephens' fourth feature film follows in the footsteps of Land Ho! (Sundance '14). With filming having taken place in May, starring Shea Whigham, Malin Akerman,...
Going Hamm in Beirut: Sharply Written, Compelling, Old school Hostage Drama
Set in guess-where, Beirut is a snappy foreign diplomacy thriller so smart and steeped in detail...
Foreign diplomacy thriller Beirut might have been an unusual, counter-programming choice made by Sundance programmers, but it was the right project match and three person...
Kong’s Crib: Vogt-Roberts Strains Weak Characters Through Special Effects Pageant
In the continuing tradition of flinging fledgling indie directors into studio tent pole franchise reboots,...
Riding in Cars with Cops: Watts’ Thriller Offers Low Yield Excitement
Jon Watts continues in the B-grade vein showcased in his 2014 Eli Roth starring...
Day of the Mother: Stone’s Flighty Revenge Thriller Favors Laughs
There’s a certain degree of entertainment to be gleaned from director Charles Stone III’s latest...
Knight of Cups
Director: Terrence Malick
Writer: Terrence Malick
Producers: Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green, Ken Kao
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Joel Kinnaman, Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Imogen Poots,...
Knight of Cups
Director: Terrence Malick
Producer(s): Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green, Ken Kao, Daniel Newman
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett, Teresa Palmer,...
The Wolf of Wall Street
Director: Martin Scorsese
Writer(s): Terence Winter
Producer(s): Scorsese, Riza Aziz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, Joey McFarland
U.S. Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio,...