With a film budget that likely surpassed the total coin amount of his first three films combined, Tim Sutton (a featured IONCINEPHILE alumn) moves into...
Night of Your Life: Sutton Explores Tragedy as Intersecting Connective Tissue
The sentiment behind Paul Haggis’ 2005 Best Picture Winner Crash, in which various disparate...
Unlike some other media outlets who are blasphemously drawing up "most anticipated" Sundance lists that come across as a simple rehash of the entire feature film line-up,...
Riding on a Western Dream: Sutton’s Sophomore Film Drifts About a Drifter
To refer to Tim Sutton’s sophomore film, Memphis as understated would itself be...
Deemed the verite American indie film that has a stronger resemblance/likeness to Euro fare, indieWIRE reports that Kino will distribute the Tim Sutton's Venice...
Have you ever wondered what are the films that inspire the next generation of visionary filmmakers? As part of our monthly IONCINEPHILE profile (read...’s IONCINEPHILE of the Month feature focuses on an emerging filmmaker from the world of cinema. This March, we feature Tim Sutton, whose debut...
Tiny Wins and Losses: Sutton Explores Teenage Life
At fifteen, your neighborhood is your kingdom. Streets, curbs, lawns are the landscape on which you begin...