Tarnished Angels: Haynes Curates a New Dazzling Cult Classic
Had Brian De Palma been keen on rehashing Douglas Sirk instead of Hitchcock, he might have...
The Florida Project: Wiig & Mumolo Wax Weird and Wacky in Bizarro Comedy
While we’ve grown accustomed to normalizing predictability in mainstream comedies, there’s still...
The most acquisitions and distributor launch-pad friendly section of the festival, the Premieres category had some big ticket items in Nisha Ganatra's Late Night,...
Moving from quirky micro dark comedies to bigger budgeted quirky dark comedies, Variety reports that Sebastian Silva will begin 7th feature film on a...
Welcome to Me
Director: Shira Piven
Writer: Eliot Laurence
Producers: Kristen Wiig, BRON Studios' Aaron L. Gilbert and Marina Grasic, Gary Sanchez Productions' Will Ferrell, Adam...