UK’s Michael Pearce returns with his highly anticipated sophomore film Invasion, produced by Dimitri Doganis, Derrin Schlesinger and Piers Vellacott with cinematography from the...
Witch Kitsch: Zemeckis Dons Dahl in Revamp of Stylish Cult Classic
Thirty years ago, Nicolas Roeg, one of cinema’s most innovative cinematographer-turned-auteurs, adapted the 1983...
Part of his "American Lives" output, production on Luce took place in November of 2017 and becomes Julius Onah's third feature following in the footsteps of the...
Creature from the Red Lagoon: Del Toro Gets Sentimental in Cold War Monster Drama
Monsters return as metaphors in Guillermo Del Toro’s latest, The Shape...
Papa Does Preach: Hazeldine Adapts Heavy-handed Religious Melodrama
For his sophomore directorial effort, Stuart Hazeldine helms The Shack, an adaptation of the successful novel by...
Rebel Heart: Schwentke Usurps Plebeian YA Franchise
In many ways, Insurgent is an easier film to watch than its 2014 predecessor, Divergent, in which we...
Black to Basics: Binder’s Safely Bland Racial Message Movie
The latest film from actor/director/screenwriter Mike Binder, Black or White presents us with the possibility of...
Hell Frozen Over: Joon-Ho’s Dystopic Thrill Ride an Arresting Examination of Cold Humanity
His first feature film since 2009’s Mother, as well as his English...
We predicted Snowpiercer would break into Cannes of 2013. That didn't happen. We began to think about Toronto....and nope. Normally we would never associate...
Director: Bong Joon-ho
Writer(s): Joon-ho and Kelly Masterson
Producer(s): Steven Nam, Chan-wook Park, Jeong Tae-Sung
U.S. Distributor: The Weinstein Co.
Cast: Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, John Hurt, Alison...