Bloody White People: Kent Hits Hard with Brutal Revenge Trip
Jennifer Kent follows up her formidable debut The Babadook with a less inventive, but decidedly...
The Mountain feels like a departure for Rick Alverson, whose brand of deliberately challenging and unconventional cinema is evolving beyond the scope of his...
Who’s Wally?: Alverson Goes Retro with Punishing, Complex Period Drama
Always intent on making his audience do some of the work, American indie helmer Rick Alverson...
Courtship at Court: Lanthimos Delights with 18th-century Royal Love Triangle
At Her Majesty Queen Anne’s palace, its a disheveled state of affairs. There’s an ongoing...
Going Home Again: Cuarón Aces Return to Mexico with Autobiographical, Intimate drama
From one woman reaching the shore to another going back to it, from...
A Star is Worn: Corbet Confirms his Talent with Daring Sophomore Effort
2015’s The Childhood of a Leader (review) was a surprising debut in many ways,...
Six of the West: Coen Bros. Release Minor, Uneven Collection of Frontier Short Stories
In thinking about the anthology form in cinema, Joel and Ethan...
Dance the Dance of Another: Guadagnino Goes Deeper & Weirder in Ambitious Argento Remake.
Luca Guadagnino has always been a supremely divisive filmmaker, capable of...
Greedy Monster: Rahi Anil Barve’s Uneven Attempt at Horror-Fantasy Indian Epic
A debut feature for both Rahi Anil Barve and his co-director Adesh Prasad,...
It’s a particularly rich programme in Venice for the 2018 edition of the Mostra internazionale d’arte cinematografica. Director Alberto Barbera certainly got the attention...