Tag: 2019 Sundance Film Festival

Divine Love | Review

Mighty Aphrodite: Mascaro’s Second Coming Cloaked in Complex Allegory The Immaculate Conception remains one of the notorious suspensions of disbelief in Christian folklore, and Brazilian...

Dirty God | Review

A Woman’s Face: Polak’s Tender Melodrama Explores Struggle for Self-Love With her third narrative feature, Dirty God, which also stands as her English language debut,...

Koko-di Koko-da | Review

It’s All About Love: Nyholm Returns with Absurdist Allegory on Relationships If Groundhog Day (1993), the well-liked Bill Murray title about a weatherman who is...

We Are Little Zombies | Review

13 Stages of Grief: Nagahisa’s Game-Changing Debut Makoto Nagahisa’s We Are Little Zombies is a pure and delightful work of art. Crafted with love and...

The Last Tree | Review

A Tree Grows in London: Amoo Charts Familiar Coming of Age Drama Through Urban Pitfalls Cycles of violence and heartache in disenfranchised urban communities are...

Interview: Lucía Garibaldi & Romina Bentancur – The Sharks (Los tiburones)

The apex of the ocean's pyramid of predators, the mystic and misunderstood animal is most renowned for its powerful bite. Sundance preemed The Sharks (Los...

Interview: Jason Orley, Griffin Gluck + Cast & Crew – Big Time Adolescence

Did you ever befriend your older sister’s boyfriend—then stay friends with him long after they’d broken up? OK, Big Time Adolescence is a very...

Interview: Alistair Banks Griffin – The Wolf Hour

For his sophomore feature, Alistair Banks Griffin proposes a phobia friendly transgressive and forbidding drama that makes strange bedfellows out of the process of...

The Wolf Hour | Review

Watts the Matter with Naomi?: Griffin Mines Madness in All-Consuming Character Study Director Alistair Banks Griffin revisits one helluva hot summer in the city with...

Honey Boy | Review

Tears of a Clown: Har’el and LaBoeuf Exorcise Demons Honey Boy is a shockingly personal movie where Shia LaBoeuf plays his own dad. If that...

Queen of Hearts | Review

The Sorrows of Milf: Dyrholm Puts the Extra in Extra-Marital as the Star of el-Toukhy’s Uncomfortable Drama Danish director May el-Toukhy crafts a compelling melodrama...

Interview: Producer Natalie Metzger – Greener Grass

The old adage “behind every great man there’s a great woman” feels outdated in 2019. Nowadays, men are lucky to stand side-by-side with a...

Babak Anvari’s Wounds | 2019 Sundance Film Festival

Celebrated debut film Under the Shadow set in the war-torn Tehran of the 1980s has a lot of things going for it beyond the...

After the Wedding | Review

Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Freundlich Updates Danish Drama with Gender Bending Twist Just as Danish director Susanne Bier masters the art of cult filmmaker with...

Interview: Lulu Wang, Awkwafina & Diana Lin – The Farewell

“Based on an actual lie,” Lulu Wang’s The Farewell lifts events from her own complicated family history into the filmic sphere. In this captivating...

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile | Review

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kill Me: Berlinger Tackles Ted Bundy in Narrative Form Revered documentarian Joe Berlinger, best known for his Paradise Lost trilogy, makes...

Rachel Lears’ Knock Down the House | 2019 Sundance Film Festival

Knock Down the House is a rousing documentary about the future of our country, guided by the emboldened voices of four progressive female congressional...

Video: Penny Lane’s Hail Satan? | 2019 Sundance Film Festival

A fourth feature docu film in a half dozen years (Our Nixon, NUTS!, The Pain of Others), Penny Lane's delves into The Satanic Temple...

Native Son | Review

(Not So) Good Times: Johnson Stumbles with Modern Homage to Richard Wright Marrying historical contexts to modern aesthetics is often an arresting avenue for consideration,...

Interview: Caleb Slain – Marshall from Detroit (VR Documentary)

Despite its crumbling infrastructure and economic woes, there is vast nook and cranny beauty and nocturnal serenity to be found in Detroit via Caleb...

Alistair Banks Griffin’s The Wolf Hour | 2019 Sundance Film Festival

Once again placing his player(s) through the ringer, Alistair Banks Griffin moves from outdoorsy existentialism and moral quicksand in (2011's Two Gates of Sleep)...

Lucía Garibaldi’s The Sharks | 2019 Sundance Film Festival

We caught wind of Lucía Garibaldi when she wowed San Sebastián industry people winning top prize coin in the Films in Progress 32 Industry...

Alma Har’el’s Honey Boy | 2019 Sundance Film Festival

When life gives you lemons, make a feature film out of it. A union that came about by a mutual appreciation artistic sensibilities, Alma...

2019 Sundance Film Fest Recap: Monos, We Are Little Zombies & Cold Case Hammarskjöld Lead Dylan Kai Dempsey’s Top 10

Almost in direct response to critics’ grumblings—who claimed a lack of any true “hits” at Sundance ‘18—Sundance ’19 delivered a near-perfect batting average. The...

Paul Downs Colaizzo’s Brittany Runs a Marathon | 2019 Sundance Film Festival

Rocket boosted out of obscurity with his audience-pleaser (U.S. Dramatic Audience Award Winner) debut, when we shed all the pounds, playwright Paul Downs Colaizzo's...