And between the remakes, prequels, sequels, reboots and rehashes pouring out of the Hollywood studio system, we sift through the detritus of continual superhero...
Looking forward to the theatrical pleasures of 2018, the Hollywood studio system seems mostly a foregone conclusion save for a handful of items which...
About Last Knight: Kiriya’s Culture Club Reimagining of the Feudal System
It’s unclear for who or for what reason Japanese director Kazuaki Kiriya decided to...
Rebel Heart: Schwentke Usurps Plebeian YA Franchise
In many ways, Insurgent is an easier film to watch than its 2014 predecessor, Divergent, in which we...
Personal Best: Caro Returns to Studio Filmmaking with Feel-Good Adaptation
It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything from New Zealand director Niki Caro, who...
Tis Better to Give: Noyce’s Adaptation Too Little Too Late in YA Dystopic Cinema
In today’s onslaught of dystopic film franchises dominated by adaptations of...
Playwright and screenwriter Terence Rattigan was an indubitable influence on mid-century British cinema. He authored several of the era’s most notable titles, including The...
In the Sky With Diamonds: Besson’s Latest a Crock of Crack-pot Sci-Fi
It’s rather a shame to report that Luc Besson’s latest directorial effort, Lucy,...
Tammy Girl: Falcone’s Debut a Tepid Turkey
Rex Reed might have been better served to save his wayward disparagements about the cinematic talents of Melissa...
Jersey Show: Eastwood Plays It Safe with Broadway Adaptation
While it earns a great deal of credibility due to the retention of several notable cast...
As Laura Mulvey’s essay, “An Articulate Screen” contends, 1955’s All That Heaven Allows was “just another critically unnoticed Hollywood genre product,” the attempt for...
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow: Liman’s Simple Sci-Fi is Lean Entertainment
Considerable praise is in order for director Doug Liman and a trio of screenwriters...
Never Having to Say You’re Sorry: Boone’s Adaptation Jerks Your Tears
Director Josh Boone adapts John Green’s popular 2012 novel The Fault in Our Stars...
Moralificent: Stromberg’s Debut Gets a Dastard Disney Straitjacket
Anticipation has been extremely high for Disney’s live action dedication to one of their most enjoyably memorable...
Mostly Favreau: Actor/Director’s Return to Indie Scene a Pleasant Surprise
A thinly veiled allegory for Jon Favreau’s own career, whether he consciously means it to...